Monday, March 29, 2010

From the Desk: Death Becomes Them

Work has been really crazy lately, so my painting pace is behind where I'd like to be, but I still managed to get some work done on the Death Marshals. I got them worked to this point with basically just cleanup work and the coffin flames left to do. I decided that the best way to tackle the remaining work is to base and finish them individually from here on out so that I can focus more on each one's unique details. I'll post them each individually as I complete them.

In other news, I got a 2-on-2 game of Warmachine in yesterday (for which I'll post a battle report tomorrow morning), and I finished watching the first season of The Last Airbender. I really enjoyed the series. It's probably the little kid in me that enjoys it so much.

Also, as a part of my normal scanning around for sources of inspiration, I found this rendition of Wyrd's Perdita that is just fabulous. Of particular interest to me is the cactus on the base. So small, and yet so well rendered!

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