This is my personal diary of painting experiments and Warmachine, Hordes and other miniature adventures (and perhaps a splash of real life thrown in occasionally too). This blog is as much for my own motivation as to share my experiences with others. My self imposed rule for my army is that I only field painted models. If you're a fellow painter, I encourage you to challenge yourself, learn new skills, try new things, and most of all, paint like you have a pair!
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Harbinger Finished! (Almost)
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Harbinger Status: Minor Disaster
On the plus side I got nearly 3 more hours of painting in, which has the banner very close to completed now, and the side cloths basecoated. I'm probably looking at another 4 hours or so to finish up painting and then a couple more hours of assembly. If I were smart, I'd start prepping the second Bokur, but I'm very intent on staying focused on the Harbinger for now.
Saturday, January 27, 2007
More Harbinger Progress

The real challenge at this point is going to be the assembly. My plan at this point is to attach the acolytes next, then the side cloths, and then the chains. I had intended to do the chains first, but after pondering it and looking at various pictures of the fully assembled model, going with chains last is the only good option. The banner and shoulder armour can definately go on very last.
I applied a tip that I'd read somewhere else (probably the PP forums but I forget, sorry): I superglued a screw nut to the

Thursday, January 25, 2007
Delayed Catchup
I played an eFeora list that included TFG's, Vengers, and a bonded Redeemer (amoung other things). My opponent was Cryx led by eSkarre and included 4 turkeys, fisties, raiders, biles, 2 bokurs, and some other stuff that I'm forgetting. Here are some of the highlights of the battle:
- Having Blazing Aura on the TFG's, which made them pretty obnoxious to remove.
- The Vengers didn't suck. In fact they were pretty boss, even just taking a minimum squad. I think that Blazing Aura would actually be pretty swanky on a full unit of Vengers.
- eFeora's feat actually turned out to be pretty useful, but not until the 4th round when I was struggling to mop up the stragglers.
- eFeora's Escort spell is super badass for granting the +2" movement. I was more interested in the +2 ARM for eFeora at first, but giving the Guardian a 9" charge is spanktacular.
- The bonded Redeemer was totally worthwhile. I had low opinions of the redeemer before, but with a chior in the backfield to back it up, and automatically causing fire, it's nothing to thumb your nose at. Definately worth getting it instead of a squad of those inept, unboostable bottle rocket monkeys.
- eSkarre's feat is pretty obnoxious, but I had an amusing time using nearby targets to the untargettable models and "cryx"ing the Cryx guy. My favorite part was using the Guardian's critical pitch (with a little luck) and pitching a bonejack into the untargettable Bokur and knocking him down.
Overall I like eFeora, but mostly because she plays alot more like Severius than like regular Feora. Her spell list is very flexible and with a solid arcnode up front (like the Guardian) and a Devout to provide her cover in the backfield, she is really slick. The TFG's were pretty cool, but I'm definately going to look at other options. I like the idea of dropping them, upping the Vengers to a full squad, and tossing in a unit of Daughters. Part of this is due to the fact that I'm super interested in painting the Daughters over anything else right now.
Ok... quick update on the Harbinger before I go back to working. I'm well behind where I wanted to be. I'm probably about halfway through doing blending on the main white robes. It's in that middle phase where I look at it and get depressed cause a) there's a long ways to go and b) it doesn't look good at all yet. Anywho, that's the situation. This weekend I fully intend to get the main body, the banner, and the shoulder armor done.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Acolyte Pics



A little under 8 hours to paint these 3. The camera washed out alot of the white shading unfortunately. I've sort of resigned myself to this medium-level photography for now. I'm not that great of a painter that I need badass pics anyway.
On the equipment front, I found a really kick-ass arm lamp with built in magnifying glass the other day. They had to order more unfortunately, but the magnifying glass seems like it will actually work well, unlike almost all other once I've seen before. Once it comes in and I get that bad boy home I'll post a pic of it.
And now, time for some rambling. I'm stuck at work for another half hour or so while they finish up a code release so I have some time to burn. I'm getting pretty exhausted with work. The manager transition is really rough when I'm still being used as a coding resource. Especially when I'm routinely double-booked as a coding resource AND have to do my manager duties as well. It's sort of like having 3 jobs. Today in the downstairs hallway I bumped into a couple people and they were confused to see me there. I explained that they cloned me and that when they go upstairs, they will probably run into my clone. There was much more joking after that around how to tell the clone apart from the original. The sad thing is, I could really use a copy of myself right now. I'm very hopeful that things will even out over the next few weeks as I get a handle on the situation. Well, enough whining. Time to get things wrapped up and head home.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Harbinger Acolytes
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Sunday, January 07, 2007
New Year's Resolutions
1) Paint instead of watching TV - Whenever I start to lounge around and watch TV, go paint instead. At the worst, paint while watching TV.
2) Enter a model in a painting competition - I have no chance of winning, but I want to do this anyway. My lofty goal is to enter something at KublaCon this year. Most likely this will be the Harbinger.
3) Maintain a balanced work situation - I got promoted to manager (of 5 software engineers) at the beginning of this year. I need to maintain a balance of only working 9 hours a day max, and definately no weekends.
4) Play Warmachine more - Hopefully once a week, but at least once every other week. More importantly, I want to play at the LGS at least 3 times this year at their monthly 750pt WM tournaments.
5) Watch more classic movies - Duh... classics are good. Up next in my netflix queue are Lawrence of Arabia, Citizen Kane, 12 Angry Men, and, uh, some other stuff.
That's it... nothing habit-altering really except the painting thing. A normal list would probably have something about my family or wife or whatever, but honestly, my wife and I are doing great and making a resolution would just be an insult to the deep importance of my marriage in my life. Hope y'all aren't making silly resolutions out there!
Harbinger Progress (part 2)
First, I managed to reinforce the banner pole.

Next I got the Harbinger's torso and legs attached together so that they are quite strongly bonded. This will probably be the second piece I work on after the Acolytes are finished.
And finally, I've started painting the Acolytes. The picture here is terrible but basically I've got 2.5 hours on them so far and only have base coats for the robes finished, along with faces pretty much finished.

This project is incredibly huge and challenging, and I've resolved to try and do the best painting job I can on it. I'm still debating robe colors for the Harbinger herself, but at this point I'm heavily leaning towards sticking to whites. Anyway, there's my latest progress. Hopefully in a couple more weeks when my home and work situations settle back down I'll have alot more time to work on this.
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Monday, January 01, 2007
The American Altar
When was the last time you walked into a house and found there to be no television in it? Actually, scratch that. When was the last time you walked into a house where the family room wasn't organized around a television? Every home has a room that has this technological altar centrally placed. Chairs, couches, endtables, and almost everything in the room is organized to help visitors to this room to focus on the television. I can count on one hand the number of times I have entered a house and not found this room.
Television forms a sort of social glue in our culture today. When you go to a party, and someone starts talking about that latest episode of an evening drama, or the recent sports event, or the world news, it becomes easier to join into the conversation. Everyone that has watched that piece of television programming is able to connect with that conversation. It also allows us to not expose ourselves to other people except in the shows we watch. Instead of talking about what's going in our own lives, we can talk about the lives of other people, even if they happen to be fictional.

I'm officially up to halfway on painting my trolls now. These 2 Impalers put me at 3 painted, 3 unpainted. The remaining 3 of course are much larger or detailed than the first 3 were. Anyway, here's the counts: ~8 hours painting time, 34 paints.
I took some shortcuts, but aso tried some new things. The leathers were not my standard lazy leathers. Instead I did 2 different layers of inks: chesnut, and dark brown.
Next on deck is the Harbinger. The acolytes are primed and ready to start, whereas the Harbinger herself is still mostly in pieces. There's still some fitting and pinning that needs to be finished before I can prime her. It'll probably be at least 2 weeks before I get even close to done with her, so in the mean time I'm going to try and post stuff like my own set of tips, total hours on a backlog of models, and also get more pics posted of older stuff once I can get another good lamp.
Oh, and one last note, I need to start planning an army for Kublacon. I'm definately playing Menoth, but I'm still not clear who I want as my warcaster.