Last night was the Steamroller 4 tournament. There were 25 people signed up which was ridiculous. Overall it was a pile of fun, but unfortunately it started around 9:00. It was meant to be 4 rounds, but after losing my first two games it was past midnight and I drew the by for the third (shocker!) so I decided to just drop out and get some sleep. On the plus side I got a lot of comments about my painting and played 2 very enjoyable matches.
My list was Reznik again, with the amusing loadout from a previous SR4 event at Game Kastle: Reznik, Fire of Salvation, Blessing of Vengeance, Hierophant, Revenger, Vassal, Chior (6), 2x Seneschals, 3x Wracks.

Battle 1 was against Cygnar: Striker, Longgunners, Storm Blades, GMCA, Squire, Lancer, Journeyman Warcaster, Stormsmith and Rhupert. The mission was speed assassination, which my opponent just barely missed getting. All things considered it was a seriously fun battle, despite my opponent hiding like a little girl way back near his deployment zone. I had fun throwing Firestarter on the Longgunners and watching them go up in flames. Unfortunately his whole "pop and drop" tactic by using Earthquake was enough to stall me out. My opponent was a lot of fun to play against though and we had many a laugh during the battle.

Battle 2 was against trolls: Grissel, Champs, Krielstones (4+UA), Impaler, Pyre, Fell Caller, Hero, Gobbers and Gudrun. The mission was Mosh Pit which I nearly pulled out at the top of turn 3. Unfortunately he had Gudrun who I hadn't managed to peel out and then the Champs got stuck in. Again though, fun opponent and we did a lot of punching each other in the face. I was trying to get some damage applied to Grissel but my attack rolls for spells really failed me in this battle. In the end I lost of VPs.
Overall the tournament was fun and I'm glad I went, despite the late hour of it. The guys that were running it did an incredible job of organizing. I'm looking forward to the 350pt multiplayer battle that they are running today.

One last pic to display the majesty of KublaCon. This was a shot of an Aliens vs Marines game that was being played. The picture isn't great, but there's one group with green helmets and another group with white shirts and they were playing on a taped-out grid on the floor. It was a pretty crazy looking things. Unfortunately I didn't get to watch much of it since it was running at the same time as the SR4 tournament.
Great to see another Protectorate player! Great report. I would love to follow your blog but I will be darned if I can figure out how to do it without you putting the "Follow This Blog" Widget on your blog.
If you are curious about my blog, I would love to have you check it out at www.newtowarmachine.blogspot.com
Great painting by the way. You are really talented!
Thanks man! I added the followers widget to make it easier to follow my blog.
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