This battle was epic! The battle ebbed and flowed, with hideous beatdowns delivered. The Black Joker once again delivered me a swift kick in the head and caused Taelor to miss with an attack to knock the Steamborg back, leaving her to die quickly at its claws. Pandora laid a vicious combo on Joss, putting him in a nasty position of multiple Wp checks to take an action which caused him to implode. Pandora though fell to the might of the Steamborg and multiple exploding arachnids and electrical creations. In the end though, Candy snuck in with a Sorrow and delivered a killing blow on Ramos and finished out the last of the enemy crew.
Anyway, it was an epic and fun battle and I continue to love the Malifaux game.
Games played: 10
Dollars spent: $135.00
Cost per game: $13.50
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